If you’re a member of the Oak Park and River Forest community and you’d like to publicly endorse Josh and Nate, click here!
John Phelan, former OPRF High School D200 President
I support Nate Mellman and Josh Gertz for the Oak Park and River Forest District 200 Board of Education. I am a lifelong resident of River Forest and a former D200 Board president. Throughout my service it was clear that District 200 serves a unique community with diverse interests. Decisions that support all its students require diverse voices on the Board. During my term I consistently led efforts to address educational achievement disparities and pursued transparent, responsible financial decisions. These issues remain critically important and will never be effectively addressed by boards that debate and decide key votes as a block based on one narrow perspective. The District 200 Board needs critical thinkers who will ask hard questions, challenge key assumptions, and expose radical, ineffective, and economically unsound positions before they become policy. Mellman and Gertz are smart, hardworking and courageous. They will bring perspectives needed to restore balance and accountability to the District. To support viewpoint diversity, support Nate Mellman and Josh Gertz. They are the only candidates in this race that can bring a variety of perspectives to the D200 Board. -
Cathy Adduci, River Forest Village President
As the River Forest Village President, I had the privilege to ask Nate to join the River Forest Board of Fire and Police Commissioners three years ago. His experience as a retired colonel in the Air Force, former prosecutor and assistant attorney general, former employment litigator, and current administrative law judge made him the perfect candidate to evaluate and hire outstanding new members of the police and fire departments. He has helped create a welcoming environment, initiating holiday meal deliveries for police and firemen serving on duty over the Christmas holiday. Nate will deliver the same balanced judgment and caring attitude for D200. Josh has a similarly strong legal background and, with young children, will lock in policies that ensure a strong high school well into the future. They both have my strong endorsement!
Jeff Blaine, former District 90 President
As a past president of the Board of Education of District 90 in River Forest, I am writing to support the candidacies of Nathan Mellman and Josh Gertz for the District 200 Board of Education.
My wife, Sue, and I have lived in Oak Park and River Forest for the past 48 years. Both of our adult sons are graduates of OPRFHS.
Our schools face daunting academic, social, and fiscal challenges. This has always been true, and it will remain so going forward. The work of being a member of the Board of Education is difficult and time consuming. When that work is done by people of integrity who bring experience and solid problem solving to the tasks, our children and our communities are the beneficiaries.
I believe that Nathan Mellman and Josh Gertz have the qualities that will serve District 200 well. They bring relevant life experiences and personal passion to addressing complex OPRFHS issues. I believe that they will work diligently to make improvements wherever possible, and to give all of our students the best opportunities for success.
I hope that you will join me in voting for Nathan Mellman and Josh Gertz for the District 200 Board of Education.
Sandra Sokol, former Oak Park Village Clerk
Public endorsements are not usual for me; however, I do endorse Nate Mellman and Josh Gertz. They are conscientious, caring residents – one from River Forest and one from Oak Park. They care about the direction and health of OPRFHS. Nate and Josh will ask difficult questions and make difficult decisions when needed. They are good listeners and will work collaboratively with others. They will lead the Board if the facts point them in a different direction. Josh is an attorney with experience in employee benefits and has a keen eye for the budget and inflated costs. Nate, a current judge, former prosecutor, and retired military officer, knows what it takes to keep all students safe. Both have a vision to ensure that each and every student is academically challenged. As a 53-year involved resident of Oak Park, former educator, and retired Village Clerk, please join me to help elect Josh and Nate to the D200 Board of Education.
Eric Isenberg, D90 School Board Member and D200 Parent
As a D90 school board member and D200 parent, I enthusiastically endorse Josh Gertz and Nate Mellman for the D200 school board. Josh and Nate have the right priorities for Oak Park and River Forest High School and the right temperament and approach to setting strong academic standards that encourage the success of all students.
Ross Lissuzzo, former OPRFHS Community Council member, OPRFHS alum, and former OPRFHS parent
I have known Nate for close to a decade as our kids went through their middle and high school years together. I know Nate to be an involved and knowledgeable school and community member. More recently I served with Nate on the OPRFHS Community Council where I got to appreciate Nate’s passion, knowledge, preparedness, kindness, and thoughtfulness related to education, OPRFHS, and our broader community.
A recent Chicago Tribune article quoted a community member who was somehow critical of Nate running saying “...he’s really abusing his role as a community member by getting involved in school affairs.” I couldn't disagree more. I posit that Nate and other community members who do their homework, are informed about issues, and are willing to speak up are the exact folks we need running for school boards. I support Nate and his focus on providing all students what they need to be successful, providing a safe learning environment, and being good steward of our tax dollars.
Phyllis Rubin, Go Plastic Free lead
I fully endorse Nate Mellman and Josh Gertz for the OPRF School Board. The Board needs them.
All candidates have their perspectives and experiences that broaden the knowledge base of the Board and can contribute to better decisions. Narrowness is not a virtue for a school board.
Nate and Josh will, for one thing, bring to the Board the voices of students who feel shaken and hurt by their experiences at school and feel they have not been heard. Years ago, with the documentary film America to Me, the school became aware of the experience of its students of color and was faced with the need to make things better. The Board must—again—learn how to better navigate and respond to all voices at school and make sure none are negated or dismissed. None! The high school should be a safe place for all sides to express their experience. To achieve this, the Board must be able to recognize when student or faculty views threaten the legitimacy of the opposing side, and to call it out.
Nate and Josh can help the Board navigate such challenges and be responsive to ALL students.
Mary Anne and Robert Zeh
Over the 10-plus years we have known Nate, we’ve been impressed by his keen mind along with his even keeled and compassionate character. He will bring a much needed perspective to the D200 Board.
Tamar Levinson and Rahmiel Drizin
We enthusiastically endorse Nate and Josh for D200! As Oak Park parents who had three daughters graduate from OPRFHS, we trust Nate and Josh to set policies that will ensure all students receive a challenging education that sets them up for future success in the same way our daughters were. Considering our respective careers as a psychologist and a defense counsel, we appreciate that both candidates have backgrounds that prove they value listening to all sides and considering all facts before making decisions. And as our kids have all graduated, we know that maintaining the high standards of OPRF — while keeping a close eye on what the school spends — is important to reinforce our real estate investment in addition to guaranteeing a good and safe education for current and future students.
Karen and John Silvestri
As longtime River Forest residents, we enthusiastically endorse Nate and Josh for the D200 board. Their priorities are exactly what our community needs: safety, inclusivity, equality of opportunity and good stewardship. They also possess the wisdom and judgment so necessary for the effective governance of our high school.
Amy Guralnick and Giovanni Giannotti
We wholeheartedly endorse Nate and Josh for D200. We can’t think of two more trustworthy and hardworking individuals to do what’s right for the students and families in D200. As the parents of a current high school student and parents to two future Huskies, we want a school that is safe and is challenging for each child who attends. As a third generation OPRF family, help us elect Nate and Josh and help us keep a high school that is outstanding in every way.
Alan Peres
From my discussions with them, Josh and Nate want the best for all D200 students, from being challenged academically to being safe on campus. And they want responsible stewardship of D200 resources.
Melanie and David Weiss
We believe in Josh and Nate’s vision for the OPRFHS student community of understanding and respect for all.
Rachel and Chris Niewoehner
We’ve known Nate Mellman since we moved to Oak Park nearly 25 years ago and wholeheartedly endorse him for the District 200 School Board. Nate is a reliable and caring human being who is willing to help his neighbors and members of his community in whatever way he can when they are in need, whether that means shoveling their walk, watching their dog, or walking up more than 10 flights of stairs during a power outage to deliver groceries and ensure their safety. He is equally devoted to helping the District 200 community and will do so with the interests of all members of that community at heart.
Eddie Pont
As a pediatrician, I know firsthand how much stress and anxiety our teens are under these days. It affects everything, from their peer interactions to extracurricular activities to family dynamics; but, where I most see its deleterious effects are in the schools. Put simply, it’s hard to learn effectively if you’re under the constant stress of modern-day life.
This is why I support Nate Mellman and Josh Gertz. They will bring a straightforward philosophy to the D200 board: teens have to first feel safe in order to learn and, ultimately, thrive. And it’s important to note that they are not cowboys advocating for new, untested policies—they simply want the current state standards enforced. Who could argue with that?
Every OPRF teen, irrespective of gender, skin color, religion or sexual orientation, deserves a safe school environment where they can reach their true potential. Voting for Nate and Josh is, I believe, an important step toward this worthy goal.
Tim Mellman
I spent two years attending nearly every OPRF school board meeting before I graduated in 2022. I saw what makes an effective Board member. Josh Gertz and my dad, Nate Mellman, are the best people for the job.
A great Board member puts students first. That means ensuring OPRF stays focused on its core mission: education. But recent trends concern me: the achievement gap between Black students and white students hasn’t changed since detracking and the gap between Hispanic students and white students has increased. Total enrollment is shrinking, yet the number of administrators has grown by 50%. My dad and Josh will make sure OPRF’s resources are used wisely.
A great Board member also listens to all perspectives. Here, I can speak personally. The only place with a heartier debate than an Oak Park Facebook page is the Mellman family dinner table. My dad taught my sisters and me to debate passionately but respectfully—to back our arguments with facts, but listen when evidence says we may be wrong. The OPRF Board needs new, diverse perspectives, and my dad will bring exactly that. But just as importantly, he will listen and work with everyone to find real solutions.
Gale Zemel and Dave Mausner
We have been deeply disappointed by the lack of financial oversight of previous D200 board members. The district needs a board that dedicates its resources to education, with an emphasis on reading, writing, arithmetic, and science. Nate Mellman, whom we know personally, is a wise and rational fellow, capable of analyzing complex fiduciary issues and alternatives, and returning fair and logical solutions. The D200 board needs more serious thinkers like Nate. He is poised to be a major contributor, with our enthusiastic endorsement.
Chuck and Traci Melcher
We believe that informed and objective leadership focused on student academic success above all is critical for the success of our students. That’s why wewholeheartedly endorse Josh Gertz and Nate Mellman for the D200 School Board.
Josh and Nate bring a common-sense, data-driven approach to ensuring that every student is given the maximum support to succeed—without reckless spending, ineffective policies, or lowered standards. Their platform is built on financial responsibility, educational excellence, and school accountability, making them the right choice to maximize student achievement and restore effectiveness to our school system.
We support Josh and Nate because:
• They oppose the excessive spending of the past on nonacademic projects and on the current ballooning of administrative costs that divert critical resources from core academic needs, at the expense of teaching staff and resources;
• The district’s attempt to mainstream all students into a single learning group, while well intentioned, has failed to improve test scores or, importantly, to serve students who need extra support while simultaneously negatively impacting the remainder. Josh and Nate advocate for tailored learning environments, ensuring that every child—whether in need of extra support, on track, or excelling—gets the right resources to succeed.
• The current disciplinary policies have not curbed disruption or improved behavior while making it harder for teachers to teach and students to learn. Josh and Nate support a return to reasonable and accountable student behavior policies that keep classrooms focused and productive for all students.
Data shows that if a child meets the requirements to graduate from high school and does not become a single parent, they have a 95% chance of never living in poverty.
We can make a difference in the lives of those that need our support the most. The future of the high school depends on leadership that values responsibility and prioritizes real student success. Josh Gertz and Nate Mellman are the right candidates to bring back transparency, effective teaching, and responsible governance to D200.
Anna and Chander Balakrishnan
We enthusiastically support Nate Mellman and Josh Gertz for District 200.
In 1996, we relocated to Oak Park from the far western suburbs, motivated by our appreciation for its economic and racial diversity as well as its strong community spirit..
When we moved here, we appreciated that Oak Park and River Forest High School offered rigorous curricula catering to students of varying abilities. Our primary goal was to ensure that our children would be academically challenged and able to fully develop their potential, regardless of their individual capabilities.
We endorse the candidacies of Nate Mellman and Josh Gertz due to our shared philosophy on children’s education. They believe in encouraging children and providing the necessary support to help them reach their full potential. This includes offering academic challenges suitable for students of all abilities and ensuring a safe environment where students feel free to express their thoughts and be themselves. Nate and Josh’s independent voices and leadership are needed at D200!