
Josh and Nate are fighting for a better future for the children of Oak Park and River Forest — but they can’t do it alone.

Whether you’d like to host a campaign event, get out the vote through canvassing, promote the campaign among friends, or just put up a yard sign in your front yard, Josh and Nate would greatly appreciate your support!

Your voice is powerful, and we encourage you to use it to support Josh and Nate — an endorsement will not only demonstrate your support, but also increases Josh and Nate's visibility within the community.

This is perhaps the best way to proudly show off your support to neighbors and friends, and to raise Josh and Nate’s name recognition.
Get your very own yard sign today!

Fliers, ads, this website — it all costs money. We wish we didn’t have to ask for donations, but rest assured, you can trust Josh and Nate to safeguard your donations, just as they’ve pledged to safeguard your tax dollars when they’re elected!