Our Priorities

This is why we are running:

  1. To keep our kids safe.

  2. To challenge all students academically.

  3. To safeguard taxpayer dollars.

    It’s that simple.

Click each priority below to read more:

Keep our kids safe.

Keeping our kids safe will always be our top priority. Having a safe learning environment is critical to enabling our kids to learn.

Josh and Nate will improve the school’s Behavior Education Plan to reflect state law and ensure it is enforced, they will ensure the school is as prepared and is as safe as possible for active shooter situations, and they will be transparent on disciplinary action taken and the discipline imposed.

Challenge all students.

We need to ensure all students are academically challenged.

While a one-room schoolhouse with 30 students may require a single classroom with one teacher for all students, we are blessed to have a well-resourced high school of over 3,200 students. Forcing students into a single classroom for basic freshman classes does not challenge those students who are more academically advanced and it overly stresses and fails to adequately teach students who need more assistance.

Safeguard taxpayer dollars.

We will always scrutinize costs before agreeing to any tax levy increase.

Josh and Nate will scrutinize spending on high-paying administrators, get to the bottom of why teachers are absent more than the state average, hold the line on property tax increases, and pay close attention to spending on the over $100 million-plus Project 2.